Breath Of Life Mp3 Download : Pure Frequency Medicine For Resetting Breathing Patterns
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Breath Of Life
Breath Of Life : Pure Frequency Medicine
New Breath New Life
• Inspires deep breathing
• Deeply relaxing
• Moving beyond limiting patterns
• WILL to forgive and live
• Deepens interconnectedness in relationships
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In this recording

Breath Of Life
Sonic frequencies associated with the lungs, reducing fear, focusing attention, anti-depression, deeper breathing, health, vitality, circulation, nourishment, and the will to forgive and live.
The Breath Of Life program helps to bring you into a deep relaxed state, working in the Delta range while introducing carrier frequencies that assist in neutralizing holding patterns. The breath can then deepen and elaborate without effort. There are specific frequencies in this program that actually encourage the interest and inspiration to breathe, opening the mind so your body can take deep effortless breath as needed.
The purpose of this program is to assist in dropping you into a deep, slow center point, where all is within, where you recognize you are infinite, potent intelligence. This is an experiential feeling of vast, open space and brings peace and clarity. It is from here that the "body" is able to let go of and relax. It is from here in this all-potent space that the breath expands beyond cardiovascular limitations, and we breathe from every aspect of our awareness. This is not accessible from a cognitive, mental state. Relax, drop down, discover, allow and Enjoy!
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